Saturday, April 07, 2007

Transformers... SHOES?! (0_o)

Proof that Capitalism is indeed alive and well! :D

Apparently, in the interest of making as much money as possibe by combining two highly sought-after manufactured types of goods from two economically strong nations (giant robots for Japan, and overpriced athletic footwearfor America), Takara and Nike have joined forces to create what their executives assume will be the top product of the year:

That's right, Transformers sneakers.

In the box with each pair of these snazzy Transformers-themes kicks, there will be included a SMALLER, TRANSFORMABLE TOY modeled after the shoes it is included with! And the real kicker (pun intended): The robot transformations are WEARING THE SHOES THAT THEY TRANSFORM INTO.

Here are some pictures from a Japanese site where I came across this news story:

So far, only Optimus Prime and Megatron have been announced; but considering the incredibly persistent nature of both companies' advertising and merchandising departments, I'd say it's a safe bet that there will be more.

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