Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sister Patricia Wilson with her Deity, Athena

Hey all! I've finally finished another of my illustrations featuring a character of mine in normal human form with their Deity in the background; this time it's Sister Wilson with her Deity Athena:

She is actually among the first group of characters I created for the Unholy Paladin Project about 8 years ago; among Samuel/Aeacus, Justin/Deimos, and Adrian Kadmon. Her design has improved significantly throughout the past several years; to the point where even through she's a nun, she still looks sexy! :D

Her first name is a reference to a girl I grew up with when I still lived in Norfolk VA (on whom I based her personality), and her last name refers to Mr. Wilson, the neighbor from Home Improvement (it's kind of a joke reflecting how Mr. Wilson's role in that show reminds me of a confessional at a church; how he's always giving advice but you never saw his face...).

It took a while to paint the Athena Deity behind her, since it was hard to tell whether the area of the paper was just wet, or actually had the paint on it... that's one of the few disadvantages of using watercolor, I guess...

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