Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Projects in progress

I am currently working on:

-Patricia Wilson with Deity Athena: sketches done; inking sometime soon
-Deity Enyo redesign: (feel the AGONY!!!) I hated the old version... am hating this one so far as well...
-Deity Kannon redesign: sketch about 40% done
-Narcissus redesign: sketch done, not inked yet
-Illustrations of Amanda and Megan: both inked, but havent started color yet
-Trevor Belmont from Castlevania: this will be the new version from Curse of Darkness; the original looked too much like David Hasselhoff... (lol)
-And some gift art for four people on Deviant Art...

Model Kits:
-1/8 Misaki Mizuhara ver. Eclair resin figure kit: STILL NOT STARTED!!! D:
-1/144 HG Zeta Gundam with B-Club conversion package: 70 percent done; I just need to finish some of the painting on the wings...
-1/100 HG FF90II-L: was mostly finished, but I made so many mistakes in painting that I'm considering stripping the thing, priming and painting all over again... but can't since some of the internals can't be taken out of the armor due to how Bandai did the parts divisions... D:
-1/200? God Gundam: about 90% done, I just need to finish the shoulders and the back unit, apply clearcoat, and do panel lines

There is not enough time in the day!!!

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