Hey everyone!
Those who've been following the story development for DevilSaint may've seen this one coming; but here's finally a finished illustration of the river Styx ferryman and part-time familiar for Phobos, Charon.
That glorious craggy bastard. |
Check out the
SUPER-HIGH-RES version on my DA page!
Character description and other stuff after the jump!
In earlier illustrations of Phobos, I've often shown him summoning large fists to punch for him, or even further forms of his character that are merged with additional demonic limbs (as seen further down), but never actually drew up a finished drawing of who exactly it was that he was calling forth. I'd already decided on the "who," from WAAAAY back when I was coming up with the original concepts for the series; even had "Charon" as the name for Phobos' level 2 form (back when had the ridiculous idea that the Deities should change name for each time they upgrade...) seen here in the only readily-available picture I have of it:
The TCG never made it past the level of "high school art project" though. Which is okay, because it played like crap. :p |
The aforementioned "merged" Phobos; wonky proportions and all! |
Now, I won't give away too much as to his relevance in the second part due to spoilers and whatnot, but it does have "something" to do with Phobos's old "Player 2" color scheme:
This of course will warrant an update as well, seeing as how I'm already working on new character sheets for Phobos proper. |
And now, let me conclude with some portrait sketches of Phobos's level 2 form, and Charon (wasn't this whole posting supposed to be about him, anyway? lol)
On top: Phobos level 2, formerly known as Charon, and below the actual Charon who just wants his own identity as a character. |
Character sheets coming soon!
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