Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New title for the series

Since the new year is meant to bring about positive, refreshing change, I have decided to take a huge step in my main series that I have been contemplating for quite some time: I'm changing the title. Since I have more experience as a writer now, I know a little more about what kinds of titles are more effective in a work... plus, with the new attitude and look of nearly every aspect of the series I felt that the title was long due for an overhaul as well. The old title, "Unholy Paladin," was one that was named for the role played by the main character, Adrian Kadmon; but it lacked the catchiness that one would expect from a title. Plus, most people are uncomfortable with the word "Unholy" and unfamiliar with the term "Paladin," except for the D&D freaks.

And so, without further ado, the new title that I've decided upon is:

DevilSaint: "lamierina del caduto"

It has a much nicer ring to it, since he main title has less syllables, plus it's easier to remember and just plain sounds cooler. It's the kind of title that really gives the impression of an epic series, yes?

1 comment:

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Happy New Year!

Love the recent artwork!

Good to see you still at it!

I plan on writing a book in 2008. Something new to use up time and be an excuse for not getting any models done.