I find it interesting that I generally don't get any phone calls until I have just cooked something or brought food home, and am sitting down to eat. Then everyone I know calls me, and several whom I don't! Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?
I have discovered the joy of building model kits at work. During the slower days, it's really nice to have something to do in between cases! I've built my
1/144 Wildfalken over the course of the past two days; it's just too bad that I'm not able to putty or paint it due to fume issues.... though sanding is fine of course, since I can sand the parts over the bottom half of the box. I may or may not post it on HobbyFanatics when it's finished...
Bullet For My Valentine's new album, "
Scream Aim Fire" is freaking amazing. It's just about all I've listened to over the past couple of weeks... (well, aside from "
Lensflare" of course! )
CG art is still taking some getting used to. I've laid down all of the flat colors on separate layers and cleaned up the edges; now I've just got to figure out how to "contain" the areas of color so none of the color goes outside the lines when I do shading and such. I have the sneaky suspicion it has something to do with "masks," but I've just got to fiddle around with the program a bit more I think.
I've found the ideal breakfast food: a large slab of Foccacia bread, lightly toasted, with a small bowl of hummus (with peppers, onion, and fresh cilantro) for dipping. It's filling, nutritious, and just tastes good. Plus, the sheer amount of bread helps to absorb the coffee I drink with it, thus allowing me to drink more!
Trigun Maximum vol. 12 is rather interesting. Not a whole lot happens story-wise, but nonetheless a LOT of things happen which I never thought I'd see in that series. Livio has become even more of my favorite character now.
I now have a bag of giant potatoes. There are some in there which would cover a whole plate upon cutting in half! Time for some killer baked potatoes...

My joke account on DA, "Oh Shit plz," continues to grow in popularity. Where will the madness end?!
I'm working on a commission for someone at work; a gift for his daughter (who I think I went to school with; she looks really familiar somehow...), drawing her as a fighter/warrior kind of person. You know, the type of characters I always draw. I should get around to finishing it... got to ask him on a color scheme first though. He's already approved of the armor design, so that's good... I definitely didn't want to portray her with too much sexual appeal; it might not be such a good idea since I'm in communication with her father and all.
Horchata is a delicious drink, but the little rice granules get annoying after a while. No matter how refreshing a mug of it is, the sandy feeling from the rice sludge negates the whole effect.
Why did Klaha feel the need to nearly always sing vibrato when he hits higher notes? I normally really enjoy his vocal style, but it becomes incredibly annoying on "鏡の舞踏幻惑の夜"... I've had the CD forever, but still have never been able to stand that song due to the overuse of that technique.
This ride on the train of my thought has been brought to you by the letter "4" and the number "f."