Saturday, December 09, 2006

The first Unholy Paladin Garage Kit!!!

I have decided to try my hand at starting a line of original figure kits for my series. The first one in the collection will be Amanda in the form of an avatar for Nemesis. As I have not done seriously detailed sculpting before, this will be quite a challenge... I have a fairly good idea of how to start, but the first test build was less than successful... I was not using the proper materials, and was unprepared for the project, so I decided to start over at square one. Here are a couple of "blueprints" for the upcoming project.

The materials I will be using are:
Marblex self-hardening clay
wax paper, or something to put between the sections to keep them from sticking during the sculpting process
and of course, the usual sandpaper, files, glue, etc.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!

Of course, I would also post pictures of the W.I.P. on it, but I am lacking a digital camera at the moment.


Bobby "the Blue" said...

Make resin kits of pretty girls and people will buy! My suggestion: Long legs go a LONG way! ;)

Unknown said...

Haha yeah... I'm still kind of a novice at this aspect of the business though... but it'll make good practice!