Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Song of the Week

Hello! I have decided to start a new feature on here, the "Song of the Week!" Every Saturday, there will be a new one posted. I am not going to be posting the songs themselves, but rather, links to where one can hear the songs in a legal but free manner, and spread some awareness of the artists and their works.

Okay, so the song of this week is:
Man Made God by In Flames

This is a monster of an instrumental metal song, which displays the technical prowess and melodic complexity that can only come from a band of this much talent. This song is only available on the limited Deluxe-edition remaster of the Colony album.

Hear the song: (given the song's rarity, there is not an actual music video of it, and there is no sample at the official site, so...)
Kick-ass AMV featuring the song

Meet the band:

And of course, to BUY THE CD!!! SUPPORT THE ARTIST!!!:
Colony Deluxe at Amazon

On the CD, you get to hear the song in all its full glory. The rest of their music is incredible too!

Credits: In Flames for rocking hard, and MesmericX for the AMV.

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