Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's resolution time!!!

Hey everyone!

Yep, another new year has begun, and it's time for some big changes around here! I have a bad habit of not keeping my own resolutions for self-improvement, but THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT DANGIT!!!


Anyways, here is the list of my resolutions for this year:

1. to be more active as an artist.

I've produced maybe 5 finished pieces in all of 2006; hundreds of sketches, but only 5 actual finished works. WTF?! This is why I've mainly been posting old stuff on my DA gallery...

2. to get out more.

Ever since getting my own apartment, I've been feeling less and less motivated to go outside... of course this is not surprising considering I live in freaking Anderson, IN where I have to drive 45 minutes to an hour just to find something worthwhile to do... other than wasting an entire day on teh intarwebz. Which is another reason why my artwork has been progressing so slowly.

3. to get a better job!

I've been a DSL tech for Verizon for almost a year now... the pay sucks; I need to get my Cisco certification already so I can make the big bucks!

4. to get a camera.

I love photography. I build model kits, too. I would like to be able to share some of my work and my passions that cannot be shared with only a scanner. It would also help me fit in a little better on the hobby forums I go to. (lol)

5. to get a girlfriend (and keep her).

Let's face it. It's been 3 years since I've been in a genuinely serious relationship; everything since has been just brief flings. Jeez I need to get my act together...

6. to learn Photoshop.

I need to find a way to become more efficient in doing my finished art. It seems as though everyone's going digital these days... I should probably join them.

So, that's it for me... everyone have a happy and safe 2007!

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