Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Job change on the horizon...

Yup, the day has finally arrived. Today upon coming into work, everyone in the call center who has never been on the Outbound Consumer Advocacy Team for Verizon was sent back home, and those of us who remain are sitting here idle on our Outbound logins since this queue does not get inbound calls. We're sitting here waiting for our immediate supervisor at this center to let us know what's going to happen with the Verizon project, since our contract is over.

So, within the next hour or so, we will maybe find out what's going to happen with our jobs.

Screw Verizon. They need to let us know before deciding things like this; isn't it illegal for a job to just turn its back on its workers without giving us a chance to look for a new job?!


Anonymous said...

Progress report?

Unknown said...

Ah, sorry about that... I'll make it a new post.