Sunday, June 24, 2007

New project: Doven Wolf

Hello! I've begun work on another new model kit, Bandai's 1/144 Doven Wolf from ZZ. The kit is from 21 years ago, and definitely shows signs of its age! The parts fitting is not exact in all places, a lot of the parts edges have spots on them that are rounded or otherwise showing wear from the old molds, and the polycaps don't give quite the amount of grip that they should. In addition to these, some of the "box" type thrusters are missing any details that would indicate an actual thruster being there, and the waist and neck joints do not move at all. So, taking all of this into consideration, I think I will make this my second extensive kit mod!

Here's the kit, next to my oooold 1/144 Blue Frame Astray for size comparison:

Of course, this thing is held together with tape due to it having been released before the invention of snap-together kits... It's still in the test-fitting stage for now while I plan the mods on it. :B

Mods that I plan to make:
-adding ball-joints to the waist, ankles, hips, and neck
-adding weight inside the feet
-building box-type thrusters on the calves (you can see where they're supposed to be)
-replacing some of the thrusters with aluminum ones
-possibly replacing the hands; these ones cannot even hold the gun that came with the kit
-possibly running an LED light up into the head for the Mono-Eye, as well as hooking up LEDs to the beam cannons on the chest... it would be cool to make the switch one of the Incoms on the backpack!

Since I don't have all of the supplies I need for this thing quite yet, I won't start a WIP thread on HobbyFanatics just yet... plus I'm a slow worker, so I don't expect to get this thing done for maybe two months...

FACELOCK PWNZ J00! \m/ (>_<) \m/

Hey, I just figured I'd put in a plug for my cousin's band, Facelock! These guys are pure hardcore Death Metal; they've only got a handful of songs so far but considering how good they are already, they are definitely going to hit it big very soon!

Facelock on MySpace

Their YouTube channel

My cousin Mike (the drummer for the band)

Rock on!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


This is pretty much self-explanatory. :D

Monday, June 18, 2007

Yet another Grail kit in the works!


Hobbyfan has just announced that they are going to be releasing a resin conversion package for the One Year War version RX78-2 Gundam to make the one from the Gundam Evolve movie 15! This kit looks really good; I can't wait to get my hands on one!

Also, my other Grail kit, the Re-GZ Custom, should be entering production soon! Unfortunately I do not yet have the kit required to make that one... but hopefully it won't be too hard to find it. I've been going to the Anime Palace booth at GenCon each year since they generally sell their Gundam kits at about 60% MSRP during the convention; hopefully I'll be able to find the MG Re-GZ there.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Job Change in progress now

Finally, I bring you an update to my previous post! I'm now in training for a job with Boost Mobile doing activations and manual addition of minutes to the customers' phones. The training has been fairly slow thus far and my trainer does not seem to be too incredibly competent in her role, but other then that the job itself sounds fairly promising, and I'll be making about 40 cents more per hour than I currently do. Also, they have an actual break room with vending machines that are actually stocked up and working!

The company slogan amuses me: "Boost Mobile: Boosting your lifestyle and status in ways that matter!"

I've heard that slogan at least 50 times in the three days of training I've had here so far...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Job change on the horizon...

Yup, the day has finally arrived. Today upon coming into work, everyone in the call center who has never been on the Outbound Consumer Advocacy Team for Verizon was sent back home, and those of us who remain are sitting here idle on our Outbound logins since this queue does not get inbound calls. We're sitting here waiting for our immediate supervisor at this center to let us know what's going to happen with the Verizon project, since our contract is over.

So, within the next hour or so, we will maybe find out what's going to happen with our jobs.

Screw Verizon. They need to let us know before deciding things like this; isn't it illegal for a job to just turn its back on its workers without giving us a chance to look for a new job?!