Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ah, so this site still exists!

This is what happens when the e-mail account originally used to set up the blog no longer exists, and you don't bother fixing it for... 2 years?

Switched it over to this whole brand new G+ thing, will spend the next week or so doing "renovation work" (or would it more appropriately be "REMOVE-ation?"  ...Nobody?  Ah well.) to get it to a more usable shape, and will start using it for the stuff that's too lengthy to post on my FB, and too unrelated for my DA.  Of course there'll be my usual drawing stuff and pseudo-intellectual bullshit, but will also be joined with some cool stuff like food and drinks I make, and maybe some tourism stuff since I've finally got a decent camera.

Also going to figure out what to do with my Playlist doodad at the bottom.  It was cool 7 years ago when I set this thing up, but now even though I like it, I feel that having music autoplay any time someone comes by may only serve to drive off any prospective readers.  "What is this, MySpace?!" and all that.  Maybe after playing around with the sidebars (which have remained unchanged since I set this thing up), I'll just link it there, like "Hey, open this in a new tab for your listening enjoyment if you so choose; I shan't shove the music I like down all of your throats!"

Kind of looking forward to seeing what sort of layout and format capabilities have been added since the old days.  I barely touched the CSS for the page when I first set this thing up, was scared of ruining it all... hell, I think this is largely still one of the "format" layouts, just with a couple of minor tweaks here and there.  Going to have to dive into the new web design tools suite and see if I can't come up with something that's a bit more... ME.