Here's the kit, next to my oooold 1/144 Blue Frame Astray for size comparison:

Of course, this thing is held together with tape due to it having been released before the invention of snap-together kits... It's still in the test-fitting stage for now while I plan the mods on it. :B
Mods that I plan to make:
-adding ball-joints to the waist, ankles, hips, and neck
-adding weight inside the feet
-building box-type thrusters on the calves (you can see where they're supposed to be)
-replacing some of the thrusters with aluminum ones
-possibly replacing the hands; these ones cannot even hold the gun that came with the kit
-possibly running an LED light up into the head for the Mono-Eye, as well as hooking up LEDs to the beam cannons on the chest... it would be cool to make the switch one of the Incoms on the backpack!
Since I don't have all of the supplies I need for this thing quite yet, I won't start a WIP thread on HobbyFanatics just yet... plus I'm a slow worker, so I don't expect to get this thing done for maybe two months...