My job is not being very fun today...
I am on the Consumer Advocacy Team with Verizon; my new job is to look for customers who have either: A) called more than 4 times the preceding day, and B) have been affected by a DSL service outage. Usually this new job duty is pretty rewarding, but sometimes, I just run across a customer who is truly a lost cause.
...such as Mr. Smith.
He called in to our tech support center a few days ago, stating that every time he restarted his computer he would lose his wireless connection. Not only would the wireless not connect, but the computer would not recognize the wireless card. The first few agents informed him that the issue is definitely in the computer itself, but he didn't want to hear that. Eventually, one of our agents from our Mexico City call center sent him to our ordering department to purchase a new modem and new wireless adaptor cards.
He was on my callback list on Tuesday, 05/08/07; I called him and suggested again that the issue is with his computer. However, since he had already ordered the replacement equipment, I told him to go ahead and see if he can get it to work with those, and if it does not work to call his computer manufacturer.
Well, he is on my callback list again today. He recieved the new equipment, and completely ignored the advice I gave him. He has since called back in 11 times, still for the same issue! I really do not feel like calling this lost cause customer AGAIN.... >:(